Sale Point Parameters

All the parameters in the Adding record window are divided into thematic tabs. Mandatory fields are marked with a red vertical line.

General tab

  • Code

The parameter uniquely identifies the sale point.

The code is assigned by the user or automatically when saving the entry.

Important! There cannot be two entries with the same Code in the directory. For example, the data of point with Сode="16" will be overwritten if an entry with that Code already exists.

  • Code string

The parameter is used if the Type of SP code mapping is set to "text" (see Service menu > Settings > Accounting tab).

May be duplicated in the directory.

Used when comparing data from the user database and the Ant-Logistics service.

The Code string parameter is hidden as default. You can customize its display in the Table Settings.

  • Name

Usually, this field contains the store name or delivery address. For example, "Varus #12 ", "st. Chkalova, 24".

May be duplicated in the directory.

  • Adress/GPS - a sale point location on the map

You can choose how to link a point to a map: by address or GPS coordinates (see Specifying the "Address / GPS" parameter).

More details about linking to a map: Linking a point to a map.

Linking can be done later.

  • Work Beginning - work beginning of the sale point

The parameter determines the time frame for visiting the Sale point.

The default value is determined by Settings (Service menu > Settings > Installations tab).

For more details see Work beginning and end of the sale point, break

  • Work End - work end of the sale point.

The parameter determines the time frame for visiting the Sale point.

The default value is determined by Settings (Service menu > Settings > Installations tab).

  • Unload Time - the time it takes to unload products at the delivery point (in minutes).

This parameter is taken into account when calculating the duration of the driver's stay at the Sale point.

The default value is determined by Settings (Service menu > Settings > Installations tab).

  • Group - the mane of sales points group to which the sale point belongs.

By default, all points belong to the "General" group. A Sales Points Group is assigned a delivery priority and the importance of delivery on time.

For more details see Sales Points Groups.

  • Break - a break in the work of the sale point (if any).

The parameter determines the time frame for visiting the Sale point. Delivery is prohibited during the break.

To assign a break, select the checkbox and set the break limits.

The checkbox is deselected by default - no break.

  • R visit, m - the radius of visiting a sale point.

It is used to detect the fact of visiting a point using GPS trackers. Defines the minimum distance (in a straight line) from the vehicle to the point when the visit is detected.

The default value is determined by Settings (Service menu > Settings > Fact routes tab > Visit Point Radius, m parameter).

Contacts tab

All the Contact information is transmitted to the driver's device along with other route data.

  • Contact Person

Full name of the contact person at the sale point.

  • Phone

Phone number of the contact person at the point.

  • Additional Info

Additional information about the sale point, that the driver needs.

Вкладка Прочие

  • Observer

Observer assigned to this point.

For more details see User roles and access settings.

User field tab

  • User field 1-5 - сustom fields

The name and data type for these fields are assigned by the user.

How to rename and change the data type for them - see Table Settings.

This tab also displays fields from the User Fields Directory if they belong to a sale point. For more details see User fields.

Schedule tab

Parameters of the tab are used to calculate the schedule for visiting points.

  • Schedule

The sale point working days, available for visits.

  • Visit Frequency

How often the sale point needs to be visited.

Mobile Agent tab

  • Trade directions

List of trade directions available for the sale point. Used in the Mobile commerce module.

  • Employees

List of employees who can work with the sale point. Used in the Mobile commerce module.